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Are you Too Strong for Him?

On a recommendation, I ordered a copy of, “Maybe He’s Just An Asshole.” One thing I noticed is that it was written by, and most likely for, today’s ultra-strong women. So I’d like to say a few things about what Too Strong, Too Weak, and Just Right mean, at least from my perspective.

First, the Too Strong Woman. My natural curiosity about why people behave the way they do causes me to always be observing individuals and society. What I’ve noticed, since the advent of the Feminist Movement is that a large portion of the female population is in competition with the male population.

What started out as equality in the workplace, spilled out into equality in all areas. That sounds good on paper, but because men and women are so very different, it’s really not possible to even try to be equal. What this has done is to cause women to be in their masculine energy, most, if not all of the time. Even in the bedroom.

The most harmful to the potential for a happy and fulfilling relationship is that worse than always trying to be equal, is that this kind of woman is either consciously or unconsciously, trying to be a better man, to ‘out man’ him. When this is going on there’s no room for the lovely ‘man/woman’ dance that occurs when women are in their feminine energy, and encouraging and enjoying a man to be in his masculine energy.

It is unnatural for a woman to be in her masculine all the time, or ever most of the time. Yes, women are very capable of performing in their masculine energy. It’s generally required in the workplace, it’s required when caring for children, it’s required when running a household efficiently. But I think it’s a primary reason women complain that they’re exhausted and burned out. And whether they’re with a man or alone, they aren’t able to have a fulfilling relationship. I’ll talk about the remedy for this in another post.

Second, the Too Weak woman. This type of woman makes up another large portion of the female population. She hands herself over to a man and to the relationship. She lets him lead her in all things, can’t stand the thought of not being in a relationship, lets go of her interests over his, lets go of her friends over being with him, often ends up with a man who takes advantage of her. Even though she is making her relationship a priority, it’s over her own needs, so she isn’t able to be truly happy in her relationship.

The Just Right Woman. This is the woman who glows with self confidence, has a calm self respect that assumes the respect of others, and consequently, gets it. She doesn’t try to compete with men because she loves being a woman and enjoys that makes men uniquely different than her. She is strong and capable and able to use her masculine energy to ‘get the job done,’ but also appreciates being in her softer, feminine energy, because she knows this is when she can recharge her batteries. This is the kind of woman is interested in continually improving herself, knowing she’s never ‘done,’ but Ever Evolving. Practicing the art of Feminine Grace is what the Just Right Woman is all about.

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