How can you hear what your heart is saying to you when every day, you are bombarded with messages from the outside world. Messages telling you what to buy, how you should look, how your life should be, what to be afraid of, who you should trust, who you shouldn’t, and what you should believe.
Have you ever had a child whisper something to you? To hear what a child is whispering to you, you must quiet your mind, shut out the outside distractions, and focus. It’s the same with your heart.

Your heart messages are soft and gentle. Consequently, they’re often drowned out by our mind chatter. Chatter that emanate from the fear and insecurity caused by all those external messages.
Your Heart Speaks Only With Love
If the thoughts that float through your mind are negative, fearful, unkind toward yourself or others, they are not emanating from your heart. Your heart guides you to be loving, kind, respectful, and integrous. Anything else is coming from ego or fear.
In order to be truly happy and to enjoy a life filled with love, you must learn to listen to your heart. Let it be your compass, your map, guiding you toward your best self. There is no other way for a life well lived.
Wishing you mountains of love,