How to be Happy

If You’re Not Happy, Here’s Why

The quality of life is not about Prada and Mercedes. But you already know that.

Quality of life is about happiness.

Prada doesn’t make you happy. You might get a momentary boost in your attitude, but that’s not happiness.

Happiness is something that comes from the inside. But you already know that, as well.

Because happiness seems to be pretty darned elusive and more than a bit mysterious, it’s easier to focus on the outside stuff.

But here’s the real truth about why you’re not happy, even if you only feel that way once in a while.

Your Love Receptor is clogged.

Too simple? Yeah, probably. So let’s bring it home.

A Real Life Example

I dropped by a friend’s house, and she was in the midst of a breakdown. She’d attempted to offer a loving outreach to someone, but it was completely misinterpreted. Instead of being appreciated, the person lashed out at her.

When I showed up, my friend was in tears. I sat with her, letting her cry, and waited for her to talk.

After she explained what had happened, she said, “I just want to be loved.”

Well, there it was. I don’t know anyone who is more loved than this woman. She is so darling, sweet, and caring. Everyone adores her.

Here’s what I told her: You are very much loved. You just need to learn to let all that love in.

Happiness and Love Are Intertwined

Just like happiness, love has to come from within.

You might have the most amazing family, friends, or partner,  but if you can’t feel their love, it’s because you’re lacking in self-love.

Self-love is the source of all love and happiness. Without it, you miss out on the kind of life you desire.

So instead of focusing on ways to be happier, or ways to get more love, focus on loving yourself.

Now, back to your clogged love Receptor. How do you unclog it?

Unfortunately, there is no emotional/spiritual Drain-o that you can drink, and all is fixed. The clog is in layers, and the layers must be removed.

But here’s some good news. You don’t have to remove every darned layer individually.

Some of the things you will need to do to unclog your Love Receptor will be more work than others.

But some will be easy and let you remove a bunch of layers at one time.

I believe in starting simple, so here’s a suggestion to get you started on the unclogging process.

Are You Ready?

First step: Find a comfortable place to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Make it a place you like. It could be a special room in your home or a place in nature.

Second step: Close your eyes.

Third step: Think about how immense the universe is. Imagine all the galaxies and the billions of stars that make up each galaxy. Then all the planets and moons.

Fourth step: Now bring it home. Think about this beautiful planet Earth. All the life forms, all the water, rocks, even the dirt. Think about all the ‘stuff’ that has been made by humans.

Fifth step: Now look into the depths of matter. You know about cells, but deeper than that are what is known in quantum physics as small particles. Science is delving into this world and finding smaller and smaller particles, so small that they are just energy. And between the particles is nothing…just empty space.

Sixth step: At the smallest particle level, everything in the universe is made of the same stuff. Energy and nothing. That means you, everything with the Prada label and every Mercedes.

Does that seem like magic, like a miracle? It sure does to me.

So if you understand that everything in the universe is made up of energy and nothing and that it is a magical miracle, that means you are too.

If you can accept that you are a magical being and a miracle, that’s the beginning of the unclogging.

But more than that, when you can FEEL the magic and the miracle that you are, as well as the tingling of the truth of that, then much of what has been clogging your Love Receptor will vanish.

This might seem like a simple thing to do. The problem is, for far too many, they come up with what I call, “Yeah, buts.” Also known as, “If they only knew.”

No matter what has happened to you, no matter what you have done, the bottom line is that you are magical, miraculous being. When you can feel that deep in your being, you will feel love. And whenever you feel love, you will be happy.

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