If you want to experience toe-curling, heart-thumping love, there’s a test you can take. But not the kind of test you might imagine. The test is: What do you say to yourself?
Yes, your self-talk is what will reveal how much you love yourself. And how much you love yourself is directly related to how much you are able to give and receive love from another.
You may be wondering what your self-talk has to do with self-love. Well, here’s a test that will tell you things you may not have noticed about yourself:
- How hard are you on yourself?
- How forgiving?
- How supportive and encouraging?
- Do you give yourself pats on the back for a job well done?
- Do you give yourself loving ‘you can do it’ pep talks?
- Do you ever say anything nice about your body, or do you constantly complain?
Can you see that how you talk to yourself has to do with how much you value yourself? Do you say things to yourself that you would never say to anyone else? If you imagine saying to another person what you say to yourself, you might be considered mean or even hateful. Kind of interesting when you put it that way, isn’t it?
Notice this week if you beat yourself up. If you make a mistake, how do you treat yourself? If you forget something? If you haven’t lost that pound you wanted to lose? If you can’t attract a good man into your life? If you blame yourself for how your husband treats you? When these things come up in your life, how hard are you on YOU?
On the other side of this coin, your ability to experience love is directly related to how you treat others. And some of how you treat them goes on only in your head. You know, those private conversations you have with (or about) them when you’re upset. How quickly are you irritated? How forgiving are you when someone makes a mistake? How judgmental are you? Notice all those comments about others that go on in your head this week. Take notes in your journal about what you notice.
We can only improve ourselves when we are aware of what needs to change. Let this new awareness will be a step toward letting go of negative self talk. You need to give yourself loving pep talks and encouragement. You need to be forgiving of yourself, and you need to believe that you are as magnificent as you truly are. Go look in the mirror and let her know right now.
Image Source: www.LiesYoungWomenBelieve.com