Dating Advice

Are all Men Jerks?

I was talking with a woman recently – around 50 years old – who was really interested  when I told her I was a Relationship Guide. She said she was looking for a great guy.

When she was asking me about my work, she was animated and bright-eyed with curiosity. Then she started talking about her experiences with men. Everything about her changed. Her face became a scowl and her energy got dark and angry.

When I offered a few pointers on how she could change her outcome, she basically told me, without actually saying the words, “I am locked into my belief that men are jerks, there aren’t any good ones left, and I’m not willing to waste my time trying to meet a good man.” I could tell by her words, her tone of voice, her body language, her facial expressions… everything about her was shut down to hearing anything I had to offer. In her mind, she was right and I wasn’t about to change that.

When I thought about this later, I realized that a lot of women are stuck in this same way of thinking.

Let me ask you this: If you want to meet your soul mate, and at the same time, harbor these kind of thoughts about men–that they’re jerks–do you think that might be a bit of a problem?

When you think men are jerks, no matter how badly you want to be in a happy relationship, you’re going to be searching for verification that you’re right; it’s human nature. And guess what? You’ll find examples everywhere.

I rarely meet jerky men. In fact, most men I meet are lovely. But I’m open to them, interested, appreciative, and have a desire to have a heart-to-heart connection with them. And that’s what I get back in return.

So take a personal inventory of how you really feel about men. Make a list of what’s good about men, and on the other side, what’s bad about them. Notice which list is longer. And even more important, notice the energy you feel inside your body as you read each item on your two lists. You’ll know whether you need to alter some of your thinking.

And if you’re in a relationship or dating someone and wanting him to fall madly in love with you… so much so that he can’t stand the thought of ever losing you, you can’t make that happen if you have any “men are jerks” thoughts bouncing around in your head. No matter how attractive or sexy you are, if you don’t know how to make him feel like a man he’ll eventually leave you.

Many women think men are jerks because that’s what they attract. If you’re tired of that, there is something you can do about it. If you go through my program, From Mr. Wrong To Mr. Right (available to Inner Circle members only), you’ll be amazed how fuzzy your picture of Mr. Right has been. To get what you want you need clarity. This course will give you that and in the process, you’ll let go of thinking all men are jerks. And even better, you won’t attract the jerks that definitely are out there.

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