Have you looked at all the free information I offer on this website? If not, you might especially want to look at the free online workshops.
I got an email today from a woman who said she had gotten a lot of value out of the Five Facets Of Feminine Grace workshop and that it helped her get through some hard times.
I lot of what keeps you from not being as happy as you’d like is what I call your Core Wounding. Those are the things that happened to you early in your life, and caused you believe falsehoods about yourself.
Those beliefs often cause you to react to people and situations at an unconscious level, and cause you to make a mess of your life and your relationships.
The Feminine Grace workshop helps you clear away those false beliefs. When you do that, you discover the beautiful, bright light that you are and that allows you to enjoy life the way you’ve always wanted.
I invite you to take a little journey through the twelve classes and discover what is really true about you. That you are indeed beautiful, worthy of love, and deserve to be cherished.